YYYBrighton High SchoolYYYYes....it's homecoming week once again!!!
And our theme this year is Decade Day's: Seniors are the 80's, Juniors are the 70's, Sophomores are the 60's, and the Freshmen are the 50's!!!!
Some of the events included: Powder puff Football, Leap Frog, Pac Man Race, Boy's Cheer leading, Musical Chairs, Pep Rallies, Spirit Day, Tacky Day, Class Pyramids, Hula Hooping, Class Shirt Day, Obstacle Course, and many more.
During Homecoming I was a bit of a klutz LOL.
I fell off the bleachers and dislocated my knee... OUCH!!! My poor mom had to take me to the doctor's office then onto the hospital for an x-ray! It was an all day affair...YUCK!
But that's not gonna keep me down!!!
Tomorrow is our homecoming football game it's against Hardin County!!!